Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce logo in blue

Are you a local business? Help your community, support non-profits and gain access to invaluable member resources and benefits by becoming a part of the Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce.

RACC Membership Renewal

That should be self-explanatory.
Who is the main contact from your establishment?

If your location has changed, please let us know.
Where is your business located?

If your phone number has changed, please let us know.
If your website has changed, please add it here.
Let us know if any of your social media needs to be updated.
Drop your file here or click here to upload
If you've updated your logo, attach the new one here.

Dues Structure

Featured Member includes: • One year of Membership • Monthly luncheon meetings at discounted member price • Four free quarterly networking events • Chamber membership plaque (with new membership only) • One free general meeting lunch voucher per business (with new membership only) • Business directory listing on the RACC website • Access/postings to the Chamber's Facebook and LinkedIn pages • Web link to your business website (a $50 value) • Participate in and support community events

Featured Level includes:
• All Standard benefits • Plus your logo in the Featured Businesses sections of the RACC website (a $250 value).

Upon clicking the SUBMIT button, you will be redirected to PayPal to submit payment through PayPal or a credit card of your choice.

Mail checks to RACC, P.O. Box 391, Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970

Scan the QR code or tap/click to pay Venmo.com/RACCNJ

Send payment to @RACCNJ or use the QR code. Click/Tap to go to Venmo

RACCNJ Venmo QR code

Group of people outside a restaurant performing a ribbon cutting ceremony
Grand opening event with people gathered in front of a business' sign.